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Hello. Today I had to go to Marceille to try and get the gaskets and I boarded the 'Henri' ferry and went up to the top to get our tickets for the ferry. We went in to the wheelhouse and got our change.It was amazing to even be in there. When we were going to leave the wheel house the ship mechanic asked us if we wanted to stay the whole way and of course I said Yes. We got to see how the Captain got in and out of cities and half way to Marceille ASKED US  IF WE COULD CATCH THE 12:30 BOAT SO I COULD STEER THE FERRY!!!!!!! I was like no way this is a dream but I know that it wasn't a dream but I was soooo exited to steer the ferry.


  1. I saw some pictures of you steering! Looks like you never took your eyes off he horizon! What an amazing experience. Well done Captain Jasper! Did he speak to you in French? Did dad have to translate or could you join in ge conversation yourself?

  2. Absolutely amazing. english yes i could join the conversation =]


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